
Comparing sexual self-disclosure in digital and real-life settings.
The psychology behind why flirty competition makes you question your relationship.
Unpacking an emerging concept in relationship research.
Adult camming sites aren’t just about sexual fantasy—they’re also about creating genuine emotional connections.
Study suggests effective treatment demands care for both body and mind.
Research uncovers how your political affiliations impact your romantic relationships.
Exploring the power dynamics, motivations, and intimacy shaping the experiences of sugar babies and their benefactors.
Researchers discover how threesomes affect relationships and individual satisfaction.
Researchers explore the psychology behind puppy play and discover why people love pretending to be pups.
Far from a substitute, partnered self-pleasure can enhance your intimacy.
It’s time to develop a more inclusive approach to cancer care for gender and sexual minorities.
What does he think when she winces in pain? Researchers ask men how they feel about their partner’s pain during sex.
The depths of human desires may be a lot more nuanced than we imagined.
Researchers ask couples who love pegging what their experiences are really like— in short, it’s mind-blowing.
Creators of the Kink Orientation Scale aim to advance research in the fields of psychology and sexology.
Researchers ask folks on the ACE spectrum about what they want and what turns them on.
Study aims to understand and reduce infertility-related stress and stigma.
A team of doctors uncover a generational change in sexual aggression motives.
Sexual orientation appears to shape women’s sexual satisfaction in powerful ways.
Research examines how sex education overlooks the needs of neurodivergent folks.
Learning how couples discuss pornography is key to understanding its impact on relationships.
Research explores multi-partner love and relationships.
Demand for labiaplasty is growing, with over 18,000 procedures performed in the U.S. in 2023—a 67% jump since 2019. 
Research reveals the manipulative tactics of gaslighters – love-bombing, isolation, and control.
In the eyes of older adults, sex isn’t just penetrative—it’s a spectrum of intimate activities.  
Researchers examine the impact of stress on your intimacy and sex life.
It’s time for a revolution in sex toy design—where every body and identity finds its fit.
Researchers explore the generational gap surrounding sex work – is it still taboo or should it be legal?
When it comes to group sex therapy for couples, the method matters more than the medium.  
Crushing on someone outside your relationship? How it might impact your love life and what to do about it.
BDSM is more than a sexual pursuit—it’s fueled by a variety of motivations that mirror the community’s diversity. 
Research shows that reliving your best moments and worst fights may change your relationship
Scientists explore how age shapes climax rates across gender and sexual orientation.
Explore how obsessive-compulsive disorder can complicate sex and relationships for women.
Do you ever fake orgasms? Use lubricant? Or avoid physical touch from your partner?  
Sexual performance anxiety isn’t a solo struggle, it’s a couple’s problem affecting both men and women.
To untangle tickling’s complex nature and ties to sexuality, researchers surveyed hundreds of people on their tickle fetish experiences.
Discover the raw, unfiltered realities of sex, dating, and intimacy with IBD.
Enter 3D models, a low-cost, ethical alternative to cadavers for surgical training.
Find out how couples reconnect and boost their libido through therapy for sexual interest/arousal disorder.
Vibrators, dildos, and other sextech devices are now the norm.
Sexting and the Smartphone Generation: What do teens really think about sexting and how should parents talk about it?
Findings advance the science of love by empirically revealing its complex manifestations.
Discover the actual science behind better arguments, turning your disagreements into #couplesgoals.
A study of thousands of adult cam site viewers reveals benefits linked to mood, sex education, and emotional connection.
Researchers set a standard for assessing sexual pleasure – changing the future of sexual health studies.
Machine-learning platform shows promise in expanding access to sexual health services.
Discover the real motivations behind the furry community.
Cuddles and kisses can play significant roles in women’s lives.  
An inside look at how camming models shape their shows through a combination of personal, social, and legal boundaries.
Love is hard to describe, making it hard for scientists to measure.  
When routine threatens your relationship, a vacation might be the remedy.
Findings could lead to better strategies for promoting sexual health and sex education across life stages.
Using a variety of digital platforms, this 10-month campaign shared scientific information about low sexual desire in women.
Tickling isn’t just for giggles.  
Explore the main reasons for disclosing their work and how their partners react.
Relationship dynamics in kink sessions run the gamut.
Using relationship data, algorithms may predict marital success and failure.
Do you want to be in a relationship? The answer may help predict how happy you are.
Explore sexual desire and frequency in traditional relationships.
Study unravels the perks of using sex toys alone and with partners.
Technology can revolutionize clinical interventions, but attitudes toward innovations may hinder advances.
Merging industry and academia, a new collaboration is poised to elevate sextech market research.
A decade long survey gives insight into the effects of adolescent sexual behaviors and how they impact their future choices.
Study launches a deeper exploration into climax rates between heterosexual couples.
The Kinsey Institutes explores what cam models can teach their clients.
Is spontaneity the secret ingredient, or could planning be the key to sexual bliss?
A national survey of 8000 adults gives insight into Japanese sexual behaviors, satisfaction, and wellness.
Unpacking how our similarities can both unite and divide people.
A closer look at how women psychologically respond to virtual reality vs. two-dimensional erotica .
Impact play, rope bondage, and breath control are some of the diverse BDSM activities explored.
A global study on sexual risk prevention.
Lindsay Blewett, Ph.D. candidate, discusses advancing research to benefit sex workers.
A look at Shibari’s therapeutic impact.
European study sheds light on the prevalence of sex toy ownership and popular devices.
Beyond entertainment, new digital platforms are reshaping dialogues on intimacy and sexuality.
Take a closer look at what you’re bringing into the bedroom.
Fat stigma doesn’t just harm individuals who are bigger, it also affects their partners.
Showcasing the diversity and varied satisfaction levels among unpartnered adults.
Revolutionizing women’s health: Menopause re-explored.
Physical traits linked to finding a mate may also keep couples together. 
A closer look at the surprising elements that determine sex toy popularity.
The diverse pathways and demographic trends of BDSM practitioners.
It’s time to reveal the real average.
The Internet skyrocketed the growth of the sex industry, but it also triggered a wave of backlash.
The surprising lack of evidence for popular relationship advice.
Online camming relationships may offer similar perks as in-person ones.
Intimate and sexual health — a paradigm shift in dementia care.
Discover the challenges and triumphs of fem-tech entrepreneurs.
Understanding the sexual health outcomes of prostate treatments.
Uncovering the accessibility gap for disabled individuals assigned female at birth.
Prioritizing pleasure increases the likelihood of safer sex practices. 
Study reveals the benefits and dealbreakers of using AI to attract someone.
The role of therapy in nurturing emotional and sexual intimacy.
This research aims to enhance sexual health education and services, specifically for young women.
Beyond its artistic appeal, pole fitness can provide widespread psychological benefits.
As social animals, our sexual health and happiness are profoundly influenced by the society and culture around us.
VR in sex therapy could do more than just change the game; it has the power to reinvent it. 
Pleasure vs. protection: The role of personal motivation in sexual health.
The concept of sexual wellbeing is poised to revolutionize public health on a global scale. 
Words, like ‘prostitution,’ ‘sex work,’ and ‘transactional sex’, can influence societal reactions concerning the trading of sexual services.
Forget the milk and cookies — this holiday season, we’re exploring a Santa Kink that’s more naughty than nice.
From adaptive technologies to emotional connections, intimacy is evolving.
Technology is revolutionizing sex work, providing new job opportunities to the disabled community. 
Connecting your sexual wellbeing with the science of mindfulness.
A study reveals a natural and possibly healthier treatment for ED that doesn’t involve pills.
A landmark study tackles misconceptions and taboos about squirting thanks to data from a nationally representative US survey.
In the field of sexual education, a group of scientists view ChatGPT as a potentially more accessible tool to teach about sexual consent. 
A journal article is making waves in pelvic floor health research as it dives into the medical literature exploring the benefits of vibrators.